Journal of Applied Linguistics
EduLingua is an academic journal that publishes full-length research articles, short notices, reviews and news concerning any sub-fields of applied linguistics. With multidisciplinarity in mind, it has a special interest in topics that lie at the crossroads of education and lingua (education and language), e.g. language learning and teaching, language pedagogy, teacher training and language use in academic settings.
Manuscripts, evaluated by two independent reviewers, go through multiple evaluations for content and format.
The main languages of the Journal are Hungarian and English (with English language abstracts of the Hungarian articles).
EduLingua is a fully open access journal.
The editorial board can be contacted at
The Hungarian open-access journal EduLingua invites researchers, language teachers and advanced graduate students to submit manuscripts for its forthcoming English language issues. Reports of original research, academic reflections, conference reports and book reviews should relate to the broad field of language and education. Manuscripts may concern all aspects of mother tongue and second language education, with some bearing upon education. Topics of interest include language learning and teaching, language pedagogy, teacher training and language use in academic settings.
Manuscript should be original work, not published previously or under publication elsewhere either in print or in any electronic form, in English or in any other language. Submitted articles need to meet high academic writing standards and should be checked for general language issues and edited as described below prior to submission.
All manuscripts are first reviewed by the editors, then, if pre-selected, sent for peer-review.The publication is free of charge.
Manuscripts should be prepared as word documents using Times New Roman 12 and follow the APA style (6th edition). Accepted manuscripts will go through final formatting by the editors. Original research reports should be between 4000 and 8000 words in length, and introduced with a 100 to 150-word abstract and 5 key words.
The manuscript should not include author identification. The author(s)’ name(s), affiliation, contact information and a 50 to 100-word short bio note should be included on a cover sheet.
Manuscripts should be sent to:
Submission is continuous, deadline for the summer issue is April 15, for the winter issue October 15.
ISSN 2415-945X
English language articles are downloadable from: