EduLingua 2018_1


Az EduLingua folyóirat 4. évfolyamának 1. száma

EduLingua Volume 4 Number 1

Special issue of the ESSE 2018 conference, S23 Current Trends in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Editors of the special issue: Katalin Doró (University of Szeged) and František Tůma (Masaryk University, Brno)

Előszó / Editorial


Věra Sládková: Prepositions used with adjectives in English essays written by Czech secondary school students pp. 1-23

Jill Kay Partridge Salomon: Current trends in teaching English as a foreign language: The case of French primary schools pp. 24-34

Kateřina Dvořáková: Assessment and final reports in foreign language lessons: A case study from a Czech Waldorf school pp. 35-49

Jesús Ángel González and Javier Barbero Andrés: From EMI to CLIL: Methodological strategies for bilingual instruction at university pp. 51-66


The full 4/1 issue is available here