Az EduLingua folyóirat 6. évfolyamának 1. száma
EduLingua Volume 6 Number 1
Donald W. Peckham: Language learning and learning strategy use in international university students’ English as a lingua franca communication pp. 1-23
DOI: 10.14232/edulingua.2020.1.1
Katalin Doró: Imagined future teacher self at the point of entry to teacher education pp. 25-46
DOI: 10.14232/edulingua.2020.1.2
József Horváth: Diachronic investigations of learner language: Twenty years of the JPU corpus pp. 47-59
DOI: 10.14232/edulingua.2020.1.3
Fatiha Sadouki: Examples of cross-linguistic influence in learning German as a foreign language: The case of third-year students of foreign languages at Al-Kawakibi Secondary School in Touggourt, Algeria pp. 61-83
DOI: 10.14232/edulingua.2020.1.4
Csépes Ildikó: Hogyan lehet támogatni a (nyelv)tanulást a fejlesztő értékelésen keresztül? pp. 85-103
DOI: 10.14232/edulingua.2020.1.5
Gyöngyi Püski: Ildikó Vančo, Rudolf Muhr, István Kozmács & Máté Huber (Eds.): Hungarian as a pluricentric language in language and literature pp. 107-116
DOI: 10.14232/edulingua.2020.1.6
A teljes 6/1-es szám elérhető innen . The full 6/1 issue is available here