Dear Rector,
As in previous years, The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain, is running their International Education programme for Language and Culture Assistants. The programme is primarily aimed to English native speakers’ students or graduates, but in the last few years it has expanded to give candidates from non-English speaking countries with a high command of English language (C1) the possibility to also apply for the programme. In 2017 it was launched in Hungary for the first time. The objective of the programme is to give the participants the opportunity to assist foreign language teachers in a variety of schools in the Spain region and bringing them the opportunity to learn about the Spanish culture and society as well as its educational system.
The assistants are placed into elementary/secondary public schools in Spain and their duties are supporting and helping classroom teachers and that way reinforce the students’ oral skills in English. Furthermore, they will have to be able to collaborate in classes of other subjects taught in English. The duration of the programme is a full academic year, from October the 1st to May the 31st. Language assistants get a € 700 monthly bursary (€ 1.000 in Valencia and Madrid) for a typical 12-16-hour weekly schedule.
The selection process is run locally (Embassy of Spain, Education Office). We are taking applications from now until April the 13th. Detailed information about the programme and instructions for Hungarian candidates on how to apply can be found in our website:
The information brochure can be found here.
I would like to invite you to pass this information onto the Head of the English Philology department in order to share this fantastic opportunity with their students. Although any other faculty student may also participate, being the only condition to the course to behold a near native “C” or equivalent CEFR level of English.
If you need any additional information or want our staff to hold a meeting with any interested students, we here are at your disposal.
Those responsible for the concerned departments can contact Erika Tóth at tel +361 488 7000 or email:
Thank you for your cooperation and interest.
I remain yours faithfully,
César Aja Mariño
Education Counsellor of the Embassy of Spain
Agregaduría de Educación
Embajada de España en Hungría
H-1067 Budapest, Eötvös u. 11/b
Tel: +361 4887000
Fax: +361 4887001