Máté Huber
Office: 2104.
Office hours: Mon 15-16
language teaching, methodology, sociolinguistics, linguistic pluricentricity
University of Szeged. Szeged, Hungary. PhD in English Applied Linguistics. 2016 to 2023. (PhD dissertation titled Pluricentricity in foreign language teaching: The case of English and German in the Hungarian education system defended summa cum laude in May 2023, under the supervision of Dr. Anna Fenyvesi.)
University of Szeged. Szeged, Hungary. MSc in Teaching Geography. 2016 to 2017.
University of Szeged. Szeged, Hungary. MA in Teaching English and German as
Foreign Languages. 2013 to 2016.
University of Szeged. Szeged, Hungary. BA in English Studies with German Studies and Geography as minors. 2010 to 2013.
Radnóti Miklós Secondary Grammar School, Szeged, Hungary. 2006 to 2010.
University of Szeged. Szeged, Hungary. Secretary of the Council of the Students’ Scholarly Circle at the Faculty of Arts. 2022 to present.
International Working Group on Non-Dominant Varieties of Pluricentric Languages. Member of Steering Committee. 2021 to present.
Constantine the Philosopher University. Nitra, Slovakia. Visiting lecturer on an annual basis at the Faculty of Central European Studies. 2020 to present.
University of Szeged. Szeged, Hungary. Assistant professor at the Faculty of Arts, Institute of English and American Studies. 2020 to present. (Courses taught: Academic Writing, Academic Writing for Teachers, Teaching World Englishes, Doing Sociolinguistics, Language Class for Teachers 1, 2, Linguistic Discrimination in the United States and Beyond, English Language Teaching Methodology 1, 2, Sociolinguistics, Introduction to Sociolinguistics)
Radnóti Miklós Secondary Grammar School. Szeged, Hungary. Head of the English Department. 2020 to 2023.
University of Szeged. Szeged, Hungary. Adjunct lecturer at the Faculty of Arts, Institute of English and American Studies. 2018 to 2020. (Courses taught: Language Class for Teachers 1, 2, Methodology 2, Investigating Spoken Language, Sociolinguistics)
Radnóti Miklós Secondary Grammar School. Szeged, Hungary. Teacher of English and German as foreign languages. 2016 to present.
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. Nitra, Slovakia. Makovecz Hallgatói Ösztöndíj [Makovecz Student Grant]. 2020.
University of Szeged. Szeged, Hungary. Tehetségpont Prezentációs Technikák Verseny [Presentation Techniques Competition]: 1st place. 2015.
University of Szeged. Szeged, Hungary. The Kathleen Heaslip Wodala Memorial Award of the Institute of English and American Studies. 2014.
University of Szeged. Szeged, Hungary. Köztársasági Ösztöndíj [Grant of the Republic of Hungary]. 2013.
University of Szeged. Szeged, Hungary. Discipuli pro Universitate Award. 2013.
University of Debrecen. Debrecen, Hungary. XXXI. Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia [31st National Conference of the Students’ Scholarly Circles]: Humanities Section; Sociolinguistics, Language Policy and Language Contact Subsection: 1st place. 2013.
Teacher trainers’ beliefs about pluricentricity in teaching English and German as foreign languages: Pilot results from two universities in Hungary. Crossroads: A Journal of English Studies, 45: 4-20, forthcoming.
Szakmódszertanos oktatók meggyőződései az angol és a német nyelv többközpontúságáról: Pilot eredmények két magyarországi egyetemről [Teacher trainers’ beliefs about pluricentricity in teaching English and German as foreign languages: Pilot results from two universities in Hungary]. Hungarológiai Közlemények, 25 (1): 61-80, forthcoming.
Pluricentric languages: retrospect and prospect; with co-author Stefan Dollinger. In: Nesi, Hilary and Petar Milin (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 3rd Edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 2024.
Pluricentricity in foreign language teaching: The case of English and German in the Hungarian education system. Graz: PCL-PRESS. 2023.
Az angol és a német nyelv többközpontúsága négy nyelvkönyvsorozatban [The pluricentricity of English and German in four coursebook series]. Acta Academiae Beregsasiensis Philologica, 1(2): 180-218, 2022.
EFL coursebooks and the pluricentricity of English. Freeside Europe Online Academic Journal: Modern Cultural Literary and Linguistic Perspectives, 13: 1-22, 2022.
A nyelvi többközpontúság elméletének szerepe a nyelvoktatásban az angol és a német példáján [The role of pluricentric theory in language education on the example of English and German]. Modern Nyelvoktatás, 28(1–2): 18-35, 2022.
Nyelvvizsgák és nyelvváltozatok: Az angol és a német nyelv többközpontúságának szerepe a különböző nyelvi vizsgákon [Language examinations and varieties: The role of English and German pluricentricity in various language exams]. In: Molnár, Dániel; Molnár, Dóra; Nagy, Adrián Szilárd (eds.) Tavaszi Szél 2022 / Spring Wind 2022 II. Budapest: Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége (DOSZ). 557-568, 2022.
English and German as pluricentric languages in the Hungarian education system: Teachers’ and learners’ perceptions. In: Rudolf, Muhr; Reglindis, De Ridder; Gerhard, Edelmann; Aditi, Ghosh (eds.) Pluricentric languages in different theoretical and educational contexts. Graz, Ausztria: PCL-PRESS. 259-274, 2022.
Angol és német többközpontúság a magyarországi nyelvoktatásban: Tanárok és diákok vélekedései [English and German pluricentricity in language education in Hungary: Teachers’ and learners’ beliefs]. In: Gráczi, Tekla Etelka; Ludányi, Zsófia (eds.) Doktoranduszok tanulmányai az alkalmazott nyelvészet köréből 2021 [Doctoral students’ papers in applied linguistics 2021]. Budapest: Nyelvtudományi Kutatóközpont. 202-226, 2021.
Plurizentrik in DaF-Lehrwerken: Zwei Lehrwerkreihen im Vergleich. In: Csernicskó, István; Kozmács, István (eds.) Kétnyelvűség – oktatás – nyelvmenedzselés: Írások, tanulmányok Vančo Ildikó születésnapjára. [Bilingualism – Education – Language Management: Studies in honour of Ildikó Vančo]. Nitra: Constantine the Philosopher University. 113-127, 2021.
Hungarian as a pluricentric language. In: Vanco, Ildikó et al. (eds.) The pluricentricity of Hungarian in language and literature. Vienna et al.: Peter Lang. 19-32, 2020.
The problems and advantages of treating Hungarian as a pluricentric language. In: Muhr, Rudolf et al. (eds.) Pluricentric languages and non-dominant varieties worldwide: Pluricentric languages across continents – features and usage. Vienna et al.: Peter Lang. 323-334, 2016.
Analitikus szerkezetek egy kanadai magyar beszélőközösség nyelvhasználatában [Analytical structures in the language use of a Canadian-Hungarian speech community]. In: Váradi, Tamás (ed.) Doktoranduszok tanulmányai az alkalmazott nyelvészet köréből 2016: X. Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Doktoranduszkonferencia [PhD Students’ Papers in Applied Linguistics 2016: 10th PhD Student Conference in Applied Linguistics]. Budapest: MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet. 31-44, 2016.
Attitudes of speakers of non-dominant varieties of Hungarian towards their own variety and the dominant one; with co-author Timea Molnár.In: Muhr, Rudolf and Dawn Marley (eds.) Pluricentric languages worldwide and pluricentric theory. Vienna et al.: Peter Lang. 257-270, 2015.
A magyar mint örökségnyelv generációk közötti továbbadása Kanadában: A hamiltoni magyar közösség makro-szociolingvisztikai vizsgálata [The intergenerational transmission of Hungarian as a heritage language in Canada: The macrosociolinguistics of the Hungarian speech community in Hamilton, Ontario]. In: Vajda, Zoltán (ed.) Tehetségek a tudomány horizontján: Válogatás a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kara hallgatóinak tudományos munkáiból [Excellence on the horizon of science: A selection of scholarly papers by students of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Szeged]. Szeged: SZTE BTK. 38-60, 2014.
A magyar mint örökségnyelv generációk közötti továbbadása Kanadában: A hamiltoni magyar közösség makro-szociolingvisztikai vizsgálata [The intergenerational transmission of Hungarian as a heritage language in Canada: The macrosociolinguistics of the Hungarian speech community in Hamilton, Ontario]. In: Keresztes, Gábor (ed.) Tavaszi szél 2013 [Spring wind 2013]. Budapest: Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége. 242-249, 2013.
Hungarian in Canada: A macro-sociolinguistic analysis; with co-author Timea Molnár. In: Muhr, Rudolf et al. (eds.) Exploring linguistic standards in non-dominant varieties of pluricentric languages. Vienna et al.: Peter Lang. 303-318, 2013.
Pluricentric languages in Africa and in other regions of the world. With co-editor Benjamin Meisnitzer. Graz: PCL Press. pp. 218, 2024.
Hungarian as a pluricentric language in language and literature. With co-editors Rudolf Muhr, Ildikó Vanco and István Kozmács. Vienna et al.: Peter Lang. pp. 253, 2020.
Review of Kontra, Miklós and Anna Borbély, eds. 2021. Tanulmányok a budapesti beszédről – a Budapesti Szociolingvisztikai Interjú alapján (‘Studies on Budapest speech based on the Budapest Sociolinguistic Interview’). Hungarian Cultural Studies: E-Journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association, 15, 2022.
Review of Williams, Thomas A. 2018. English language learners’ socially constructed motives and interactional moves. Edulingua, 5(1): 69-71, 2019.
“Italian Linguistic Schoolscape in Budapest: A Case Study.” Co-presented with Andrea Zentainé Kollár at the international conference on Linguistic Landscape: Developments in Research and Impact on Territories at the University for Foreigners of Siena, Italy, October 2024.
“Nyelv és tér egy budapesti két tanítási nyelvű gimnáziumban” [Language and space at a bilingual high school in Budapest]. Co-presented with Andrea Zentainé Kollár at 32. Egyetemi Nyelvészeti Napok: A nyelv időben és térben [32nd University Linguistics Days: Language in time and space]. University of Novi Sad, Serbia, October 2024.
“Pluricentricity in teacher education: Teacher trainers’ insights.” Presented at the 3rd In-House Conference of the ELTEAL Department, University of Szeged, June 2024.
“Iskolai nyelvi tájkép egy budapesti olasz-magyar két tanítási nyelvű gimnáziumban” [Linguistic schoolscape at an Italian-Hungarian bilingual secondary school in Budapest]. Co-presented with Andrea Zentainé Kollár at a conference titled Egyszerű és szervezett nyelvi menedzselés kétnyelvű környezetben [Simple and organized language management in a bilingual environment], Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, Slovakia, June 2024.
“Beliefs of language learners, teachers, and teacher trainers about pluricentricity in foreign language teaching: The case of English and German in the Hungarian education system” at the 6th Bialystok-Kyiv Conference on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics: Language research at the crossroads of disciplines, University of Bialystok, Poland, December 2023.
“Szakmódszertanos oktatók meggyőződései az angol és a német nyelv többközpontúságáról: Pilot eredmények két magyarországi egyetemről” [Beliefs of teacher trainers about the pluricentricity of English and German: Pilot results from two Hungarian universities]. Presented at 31. Egyetemi Nyelvészeti Napok: Kommunikáció – Konceptualizáció – Funkcionalitás [31st University Linguistics Days: Communication – Conceptualization – Functionality]. University of Novi Sad, Serbia, October 2023.
“African students at the French Department of the University of Szeged, Hungary: An unlikely encounter of varieties and cultures.” Co-presented with Csenge Aradi, Zsuzsanna Gécseg, and Dóra Székesi, at an online conference titled “Pluricentric languages, multilingualism and linguistic dehegemonisation in Africa,” organized by the University of Leipzig in August 2023.
“African French varieties in Szeged: Pilot interview findings about students’ and instructors’ attitudes and beliefs from the French Department.” Co-presented with Csenge Aradi and Dóra Székesi, at the 2nd In-House Conferenceof the ELTEAL Department, University of Szeged, in June 2023.
“Teachers’ and learners’ beliefs about pluricentricity in foreign language teaching: The case of English and German in the Hungarian education system.” Presented at April Conference Fifteen, at the University of Kraków, in April 2023.
“Tanárok és tanulók többközpontú nyelvekkel kapcsolatos meggyőződései: Az angol és a német nyelv esete a magyar oktatási rendszerben” [Teachers’ and learners’ beliefs about pluricentric languages: The case of English and German as foreign languages in the Hungarian education system]. Presented at XXIX. Magyar Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Kongresszus [31st Hungarian Applied Linguistics Congress] at Semmelweis University, Budapest, May 2023.
“What norms do we teach? Pluricentricity in English and German coursebooks”. Presented at the 1st In-House Conference of the ELTEAL Department, June 2022, Szeged.
“Nyelvvizsgák és nyelvváltozatok: Az angol és a német nyelv többközpontúságának szerepe a különböző nyelvi vizsgákon” [Language examinations and linguistic varieties: The role of English and German pluricentricity in different language examinations]. Presented at Tavaszi Szél Konferencia [Spring Wind Conference], May 2022, Pécs.
“EFL coursebooks and the pluricentricity of English”. Presented at “Seizing the day”: Current Research in Global Englishes International Conference, March 2022, Budapest.
“Az angol és a német nyelv többközpontúsága négy nyelvkönyvsorozatban” [The pluricentricity of English and German in four coursebook series]. Presented at “21. Élőnyelvi Konferencia” [21st Conference of Sociolinguistics], November 2021, online.
“English and German as pluricentric languages in the Hungarian education system”. Presented at the 9th World Conference on Pluricentric Languages, August 2021, online.
“Angol és német többközpontúság a magyarországi nyelvoktatásban: Tanárok és diákok vélekedései” [English and German pluricentricity in language education in Hungary: Tecahers’ and learners’ beliefs]. Presented at “XV. Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Doktoranduszkonferencia” [15th PhD Student Conference in Applied Linguistics], February 2021, online.
“A nyelvi többközpontúság elméletének szerepe a nyelvoktatásban az angol és a német példáján” [The theory of linguistic pluricentricity and its role in language education, on the example of English and German]. Presented at “Nyelvészdoktoranduszok 24. Országos Konferenciája”[24th National Conference of Doctoral Students in Linguistics], November 2020, online.
“English language teachers’ beliefs and practices concerning pluricentric language learning in Hungary: A pilot study”. Presented atthe 6th World Conference on Pluricentric Languages and their Non-Dominant Varieties, June 2018, Nitra, Slovakia.
“German as a pluricentric language in two coursebook series”. Presented at the 5th World Conference on Pluricentric Languages and their Non-Dominant Varieties, July 2017, Mainz, Germany.
“Analitikus szerkezetek egy kanadai magyar beszélőközösség nyelvhasználatában” [Analytical structures in the language use of a Canadian-Hungarian speech community]. Presented at “X. Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Doktoranduszkonferencia” [10th PhD Student Conference in Applied Linguistics], February 2016, Budapest, Hungary.
“The problems and advantages of looking at Hungarian as a pluricentric language”. Presented at the 4th World Conference on pluricentric languages, June 2015, Graz, Austria.
“Deutsch als plurizentrische Sprache in zwei DaF-Lehrwerkreihen” [German as a pluricentric language in two coursebook series]. Presented at the 4th World Conference on pluricentric languages, June 2015, Graz, Austria.
“A német mint többközpontú nyelv két németkönyv-sorozatban” [German as a pluricentric language in two coursebook series]. Presented at the Humanities Section, Language Teaching Subsection of “XXXII. Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia” [32nd National Conference of Students’ Scholarly Circles], April 2015, Budapest, Hungary.
“Attitudes of speakers of non-dominant varieties of Hungarian towards their own variety and the dominant one”. Presented at the Third International Conference on Non-dominant Varieties of Pluricentric Languages, July 2014, Guildford, UK.
“A magyar mint örökségnyelv generációk közötti továbbadása Kanadában: A hamiltoni magyar közösség makro-szociolingvisztikai vizsgálata [Intergenerational transmission of Hungarian as a heritage language in Canada: The macrosociolinguistics of the Hungarian community in Hamilton, Ontario]. Presented at the “Tavaszi Szél 2013” [Spring Wind 2013] conference of the Hungarian Association of PhD Students, May 2013, Sopron, Hungary.
“Intergenerational transmission of Hungarian as a heritage language in Canada: The macrosociolinguistics of the Hungarian community in Hamilton, Ontario”. Presented attheHumanities Section; Sociolinguistics, Language Policy and Language Contact Subsectionof “XXXI. Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia” [31st National Conference of the Students’ Scholarly Circles], April 2013, Debrecen, Hungary.
„Hungarian in Canada: A macro-sociolinguistic Analysis”. Co-presented with Timea Molnárat the 2nd International Conference on Non-Dominant Varieties of Pluricentric Languages, July 2012, Salamanca, Spain.