As English majors and minors you need to learn academic vocabulary on top of improving your general English vocabulary. Whether you focus on linguistics, literature, cultural studies, business or translation, the 570 words on the Academic Word List are valuable for you during your studies in English. Learning vocabulary from the AWL will help you improve your comprehension of academic texts and write assignments in an academic style.
Study the words in context! This way you understand how they are used. You can quickly identify the words from the AWL list by using the AWL highlighter or can create your own test buy clicking on the AWL gapmaker. Try them with the texts you are reading for your classes or for your own.
→ Academic vocabulary builder
Need more help with academic writing, including essays, term papers, and theses? Can’t find the appropriate phrases when writing your introduction, reporting your results, discussing findings, referring to other people’s work? Avoid plagiarism! Check these pages. Read and use the hundreds of useful lexical chunks. You will also find other valuable sources on academic writing.
→Academic phrasebank
Do you often feel you have a lack of ideas or have nothing to say or write when discussing controversial issues? Do you have problems arguing for a point of view? Take an active role in improving your language and argumentative skills. Study the hundreds of issues discussed in IDEA debate, learn and think about the social, political, ethical, historical and other contexts in which the issues are situated.
→ IDEA debate